Bending, Not Breaking

Not a shock: babies are all-consuming. Also not a shock: marriage is all-consuming. Still not shocking: the rest of our lives don't stop or halt. All three add up to much more than 100%. The question becomes, what gives? Who gives? Which part of your life bends so another part won't break. For me, it's … Continue reading Bending, Not Breaking

What The Anti-Vaxxers (might) Get Right**

**Hopefully, that header makes you cringe. Don't worry. I'm not some nut job thinking immunizations are part of a government control operation, or a profit-center for Big Pharma, using kids as guinea pigs for weirdly unknown (yet nefarious and clandestine) research. You know, the people that think pertussis somehow equates to a little scratchy throat … Continue reading What The Anti-Vaxxers (might) Get Right**